One of the newest treatments for non-surgical skin tightening is Infini. With the help of radiofrequency energy, it can give you the tighter skin you’ve always wanted.
Some of the earliest signs of aging occur around the jawline and mouth, and these areas are notorious for being some of the first parts of the body to develop sagging skin. Infini skin tightening can be used in these areas, and it utilizes high-intensity radiofrequency energy to cause your skin to tighten.
Infini skin tightening serves as a safe way to tighten skin, and it offers complete control over the depth of the treatment. Your skin type is irrelevant. With this new technology, Infini offers proven wrinkle reduction.
If you’re looking for a safe, non-invasive treatment for wrinkle reduction, then Infini skin tightening can help. To deliver maximum skin tightening, it uses high-intensity RF energy.
This treatment is safe for all skin types, and it’s even a great option for tan or dark skin. The procedure is completed relatively quickly, and you don’t have to worry about lengthy recovery. In addition, Infini involves less discomfort than ultrasound and CO2 skin resurfacing treatments.
The built-in ComfortFlow technology delivers smoother penetration, which significantly reduces the risk of discomfort. Infini skin tightening also gives us adjustable depth control and allows for multiple passes over the treatment area, which is especially important for sensitive areas.
The Infini skin tightening procedure can be used to treat skin laxity, volume loss, sagging skin, trauma scars, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles. The main reason why this treatment is effective is because it uses radiofrequency energy to heat a targeted area of your skin. Once a thermal reaction is created within your skin, collagen production is stimulated, and the new collagen helps to correct sagging skin.
Many other RF treatment options deliver the energy in a way that isn’t as effective as it could be. Infini skin tightening is unique because it uses micro-needling techniques to send the RF energy directly into your dermis. The tiny needles allow the radiofrequency energy to reach the precise depth, and as a result, you end up with better results than you’d get from many alternative treatments.
For non-invasive wrinkle reduction and skin tightening, Infini is certainly worth considering. Make an appointment at Ovation Med Spa in Houston to learn more about how this treatment can benefit you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!